Deconstruction/Final Project

      I feel like I've been saying the same thing for the past three projects but until I actually sat down and worked on this project it was a lot easier to do. For the deconstruction project I decided to do something that deals with mother nature, and for me it was fun to do because I was able to show how powerful and gentle mother nature can be. I used the stormy ocean and the ships to show how everything can be going wrong at the surface but then once you go under the water you see how calm and tranquil it is. While under the water you learn to forget your troubles and learn to enjoy the nature around instead of worrying about things on the surface. I'm glad I was able to get to do something with science yet again because I had a lot of fun doing the two images combined project, and the flip book, so being able to work on this was a lot of fun.
     This project also helped me to showcase climate change and how it is affecting us whether directly or not, it is present and a real problem we have to deal with. I also feel that the ocean or water in general is something that almost everyone looks at regardless of their situation. The ocean can represent a multitude of emotions a person can go through, one minute everything is going fine and you're okay, and the next boom everything is collapsing you can barely breathe, and it's a struggle to keep your head above the water. I'm really happy with this project because I was able to combine science and the human emotions that almost everyone goes through on a day to day basis. For me this project shows not only climate change in an extreme way but also a reveal of raw human emotions, even if everything on the surface is crazy if you look beneath the surface you'll see how wonderful and calm things can be.


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