
I forgot to take pictures as I was laying down the "grass", "trees" and "bird". I tend to get really into what I'm working on and forget about much else.  The "grass" was my arm moving as the printer was scanning, while the "trees" were my arm and hands, and the "bird" was my hand in the shape of a bird.  

I added peace signs to make bunnies and fists for clouds. 

Finished it and added some tree limbs and more clouds along with another rabbit. 

Behind the scenes my dog wanted to be in the pictures really badly. She kept running in front everytime I was trying to take a picture so I was leaning over her for most of the pictures above. 

I went for the realist movement where everything looked like how it was supposed to. It kind of made me think about how as a child I used to draw a lot of forest scenes with birds and bunnies. So I made this Tree forest having reminiscent memories of my childhood and it was a lot easier once I started doing it and wasn't thinking about it. I was honestly lost for awhile not having any idea of what to do and I don't think I was as creative as I was for other projects but I still really liked how this turned out because even though the design was simple I was really panicking and anxious about doing this project since it had to be 2 x 3ft, but once I figured out what I was going to do it went a lot faster and I wasn't so stressed out about it. It was also a lot of fun to do because of the materials I used also were reminiscent of my childhood since I used Elmer's glue and the layout I was doing always was kind of like doing a project when I was a kid. Once I started to think like that the project went much smoother and I wasn't as anxious as I was before. 


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