Ascii art
Ascii art is very intersting to look at, and to admire. Some of the ascii art is very simple while some are very complex and intricate. I think this is what some people associate or think coding is, and why people think it is so hard. This isn't the case where in coding you are telling the computer what to do and ascii art is using various symbols to create a person or animal, etc. It's very interesting how complex it looks when you see an image of a person, or thing with ascii's. Ascii art is so much more than just typing a bunch of random symbols. These are carefully thought out, and the math used into creating these is incrediable. I'm not the best at math but these are ascii's are amazing. You can easily create something simple or something completely complicated, and intricate. You can virtually create anything, and anything that comes to mind it really is incredilbe what you can create. I never realized that sometimes I was looking at as...